Help Build Our Campaign – Refer Your Friends

There’s a lot at stake in this election and it will take hard work from dedicated individuals to build a grassroots movement from the ground up to win. We need people like you—lots of people like you—to go out in communities around Colorado and Pennsylvania this fall and engage voters to elect U.S. Representative Jared Polis and re-elect Governor Tom Wolf.
If you have friends who might be interested in working with us, please take a moment to list their name, email, and cell phone number. We will get in contact with them about opportunities to work on our campaign.

Your Name

* Your First Name
* Your Last Name

Refer your friend!

* Friend’s First Name
* Friend’s Last Name
* Your Friend’s Email
* Your Friend’s Phone (cell preferred)
* Office they should apply to
work in

required fields

Paid for by Colorado Fair Share Action. Registered agent, Maureen Kirk. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Paid for by Fair Share Action and Florida Consumer Action and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contact us at: or

Paid for by Environment America Action Fund and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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