Job description
Being a consumer is a tough job. Really tough. It’s not just about reading a document completely before you sign it, or protecting your personal information. It’s about being able to distinguish whether that incoming phone call is from your bank or from a scammer, no matter what the Caller ID says. It’s about learning how to freeze your credit files so bad guys don’t open accounts in your name. It’s about shopping for products online that aren’t counterfeit or don’t contain dangerous toxins. And it’s about knowing how to keep yourself and your family safe from contaminated food.
That sure sounds like consumers have a lot to juggle. They do. That’s where PIRG’s Consumer Watchdog program comes in. The Consumer Watchdog program aims to educate and empower consumers, and help them navigate a world filled with threats to their safety, their health and their wallets.
American politics is too often dominated by special interests. PIRG’s mission is to focus attention and action on the public interest. We work on problems that affect everybody, not just one group or another. And we’ll work with anyone – Democrat, Republican or independent – who agrees with our positions and supports sensible solutions.
At PIRG, we focus on the quality of our lives, not the quantity of stuff we produce and consume. We aim to improve the quality of our health, our environment and our well-being.
Entry-level candidates are encouraged to apply; we provide training on advocacy and organizing skills, as well as oversight and on-the-ground training by an experienced advocate. Ideal candidates will have leadership experience, top-notch written and verbal skills, an eagerness to learn and be ready for a challenge. We value organizing experience, including building campus or community groups.
Representative Responsibilities:
- Build powerful coalitions: Reach out to like-minded organizations and affected constituency groups to demonstrate support for our campaign goals.
- Earn traditional media and social media attention: Organize news conferences and write opinion pieces. Build a following on Facebook and Twitter for your campaign.
- Lobby elected officials: Coordinate strategy with champions in Congress. Make a convincing case to legislators who are undecided on a particular vote. When a critical vote is happening on your campaign, work to demonstrate the support you’ve been building on the ground to help line up the votes needed to win.
- Research and write reports: Catalog and analyze data relevant to the issue and our policy proposals to help influence public debate and earn media attention for our cause.
- Identify and cultivate donors: Reach out to foundations and major donors and ask them to fund your campaign.
- Recruit new people to your team: Help build your team recruiting volunteers, interns and full-time staff.
- Run a grassroots campaign office each summer: Run a campaign office for the summer to raise money to support our campaigns, build our organization and membership, and help build critical and timely grassroots support to win key campaigns while honing your organizing and management skills.
The target annual compensation for this position is $31,000- $33,500 in the first year. PIRG offers a competitive benefits package. We also offer an excellent training program and opportunities for advancement.
Chicago, IL; Boston, MA; or Washington, D.C.
We’re also hiring campaign associates to work on other campaigns in locations across the country. We accept applications on a rolling basis.
Things To Know When You Apply
PIRG is part of The Public Interest Network—a group of organizations that share a vision of a better country, a set of core values, and a coordinated strategic approach to getting things done. Read more about our network before you apply: https://pirg.org/core-values/
Why work with PIRG? Check out 10 reasons: https://pirg.org/why-work-with-us/
PIRG is an equal opportunity employer.
COVID-19: We take COVID-19 safety very seriously. Employees must follow our COVID safety protocols and be fully vaccinated and boostered. Accommodations are provided to the extent required by law.
Job category
Issue Organizing
Employment type
Full Time
0+ years
$31,000 – $33,500
Start date
Apply by June 1, 2023